Summer 2012

Summer 2012

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Thankful Heart

Today is Thanksgiving and, hopefully, we all like to talk about everything we are thankful for on this day.  We list things like health, family members, friends, shelter, transportation, jobs, etc.  But, do we remember to give thanks to the One from whom all good things come?  I try to live each day with a thankful heart and I even recall praying as a teenager that I would never take for granted all the good things God did in my life.  We have even more to be thankful for if we live a life of obedience to God because He blesses us even more.  That topic is definitely a blog post for another day, but I am assured that even when things in my life don't go the way I expect them to go; I know that if I'm living a life of obedience then God will bless me and change my situation or change my attitude about it.

Of course, being me, I'm also thankful for the little, crazy things in my life.  I'm thankful for whoever invented leggings and that they are still in style this year.  I'm thankful that my adventure into the land of having red in my hair has now faded nicely to a normal color--and I'm thankful that when I first got the color done I could laugh it off when people thought I had done it for the Cardinals.  I'm thankful that I have the kind of husband who searched high and low to buy me my favorite perfume for Christmas last year when it has been discontinued.  I'm thankful for sales and coupons at my favorite clothing stores.  I'm thankful that Lindy and Jac were OK when they hit someone in MY CAR.  (This is the second new to fairly new car of mine that Lindy has wrecked in our marriage.  He's also side swiped one vehicle of ours with another and taken off part of the siding on our garage from pulling in to close to the side...and they talk about woman drivers.  Just saying).  I'm thankful that he lets me tease him about stuff.  Trust me, it goes both ways.  I'm thankful that I have a 12-year-old boy who still lets me hug and kiss him.  I'm thankful that I have a 9-year-old boy who will still sit on my lap--on occasion.  I'm thankful that I have a 5-year-old boy who snuggles my neck, sighs contentedly, and says, "I love that smell."  I'm thankful for all these things and so much more.  It would be impossible to list them all and not leave someone or something out.  Instead of having my own exhaustive list I want to close this post with the words of the psalmist, David--sort of.  This is Psalm 111 from "The Message" bible.  If you don't read the Bible at all or if it doesn't make sense to you, try out "The Message."

Psalm 111
I give thanks to God with everything I've got--
Wherever good people gather, and in the congregation.
God's works are so great, worth
A lifetime of study--endless enjoyment!
Splendor and beauty mark his craft;
His generosity never gives out.
His miracles are his memorial--
This God of Grace, this God of Love.
He gave food to those who fear him,
He remembered to keep his ancient promise.
He proved to his people that he could do what he said:
Hand them the nations on a platter--a gift!
He manufactures truth and justice;
All his products are guaranteed to last--
Never out-of-date, never obsolete, rust-proof.
All that he makes and does is honest and true:
He paid the ransom for his people.
He ordered his Covenant kept forever.
He's so personal and holy, worthy of our respect.
The good life begins in the fear of God--
Do that and you'll know the blessing of God.
His Hallelujah lasts forever!

Need I say more?  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember to give thanks to the One who gave it all for us.

1 comment:

  1. Well written, well said. You're a child after my own heart. Love you!
