Summer 2012

Summer 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

You're Fasting??...And, You're Fasting WHAT???

So, it's January and time to fast.  This hasn't always been a part of my life.  In fact, I'm quite the newbie to fasting compared to other people in my life.  My mother-in-law, aka "the queen of fasting" has been doing a total liquid 21 Day Fast in January for the last 12 years.  If you're new to fasting and you're looking for encouragement, she will do it.  If you're looking for a cheerleader, she will be it.  Lindy, who had never been able to fast for more than about 36 hours, has also done the 21 Day Fast for the last several years along with a growing group of people in our church and others who are interested in seeing what God can do when they purposely deny their flesh.  I did the 21 Day Fast three of the last four years and did well each time until last year.  I made it to about Day 18 last year before I started having some trouble with my inner ear.  Thank God that last year on Day 18 was the LAST TIME I had one of my horrific, room-spinning, upchucking episodes.  Maybe God honored my faithfulness to Him.  Maybe he chose to use the upper cervical care I was getting at that time.  Maybe He fixed me because I was speaking His Word--and continue to speak His Word--over my body.  I don't really care how He did it.  I just care that I am better and if He used my fasting to do it, then it was worth it.

When I stopped my fast on Day 18 last year I started thinking about what I would "fast" this year.  Turns out I felt like God was telling me to give up three things that are very near and dear to my heart, or at least my flesh:  Sweets, Soda, and Shopping.  I began fasting those things as I did the 7 Day Pre-Fast.  (That's the prescribed diet that gets you off all the junk you're putting in your body and prepares your body for a liquids only fast).  For those people who aren't fans of chocolate chip cookies, a good fountain Coke, or shopping for just about anything; then fasting those things wouldn't mean much to you.  But, they mean a lot to me; and it's been difficult.  I was having a particularly rough day and having a bit of a pity party for myself about why I opted to give up both sweets and soda.  I was stressed out and really in need of either a Coke or a Snicker bar, a chocolate chip cookie, a brownie...  Sorry, I digress.  When I couldn't turn to those things to make myself feel better I had to resort to praying that God would bring peace to my day and give me wisdom.  OK, isn't that the point of fasting and denying your flesh?  At least it's one of the points.  I don't consider myself an emotional eater, but a well-placed piece of chocolate in the middle of my day just makes everything better.  There's nothing wrong at all with sweets, at least in moderation, but using them to take the place of turning to the true source of our help is wrong.

Of course one of the side benefits of fasting is losing pounds or inches.  This would not necessarily be a bad thing for me.  I haven't measured, but even though I haven't lost any weight I definitely feel less bloated and slimmer around my post-three-baby belly.  I definitely have issues with sticking to any sort of restrictive diet because I'll tell myself as long as I can still fit into my Size 6 jeans then everything is fine.  I don't want to be a Size 2 or 4 anyway.  That would mean buying all new clothes and I know I would never stick to any diet plan that would cause me to maintain that size.  Of course, I also choose to blame my "big bones," which is true but not a very good excuse.  In the end, I have to remind myself that my end all goal in fasting sweets and soda is not to get skinny, but instead, to deny my flesh and see what God wants to teach me through it.  If I slim down in the process, then I'm not going to shed any tears over it.

Now, onto the fasting of shopping which sounds awfully silly.  I almost find myself apologizing to people for my silliness when I explain that I'm fasting shopping.  Don't misunderstand me.  I'm not one of those women who goes out and maxes out credit cards, puts her family in dire straits, or hides purchases from her husband.  However, I do shop as a sport and buy things that I don't really need.  More than anything, I have really had to repent over this one.  I had lost sight of needs vs. wants and just buying something because I see it and think I need it or Lindy needs it or my kids need it.  I had to buy Ethan and Gavin new tennis shoes, but other than that I have not purchased anything other than groceries or food since January 3.  If you're laughing out loud at this point, then you aren't a shopper...or maybe you're laughing to hide the fact that you're uncomfortable with the idea of giving up shopping.  I've been praying about, and leaning towards, being accountable to Lindy for my post-fast purchases.  As far as husbands go, he is a dream when it comes to not nagging me about shopping.  He also has a bit of an issue with shopping for sport too, but that's his to deal with and not mine.  I'm not imposing my self-imposed restrictions on him.

Yesterday we were out by ourselves and quite a pair together.  He couldn't eat and I couldn't shop.  We went to St. Louis Bread Company and sat together drinking hot chocolate.  He had to smell all the food.  Then, he talked me into going into Nordstrom Rack.  He got me back by me by having me go in a store and not shop.  I did pretty well.  At one point when I was trying on sunglasses in the men's department (I know, I'm sad and desperate), I asked him if it was really shopping if he bought them for me instead of me buying them myself.  He didn't buy it...literally.

So, my fast will continue until Monday, January 30.  I'm really praying that I get out of this all that God desires for me to experience.  I trust that it will be a time of growth for me.  After all, if we're not going forward what's the point?  I'm not a fan of the status quo.  I always want to do better.  I want the same for you.  Know that if you're fasting this month and denying your flesh, I'm praying for you.  You can do it.  I know you can because if I can do it you can too.  If we are in Christ then we can do all things through Him who gives us strength.  Let Him be your strength.  Don't let Coke, and shopping, and chocolate cake, and York Peppermint Patties, and chocolate fondue, and cinnamon rolls, and....  Sorry, I digress AGAIN!!

Later...Love to All.

1 comment:

  1. Being your mother, I know what a sacrifice not eating chocolate/sweets and shopping is for you. I'm proud of the way you're handling it. Keep up the good work. Believe me, it will pay off in more ways than one.
