Summer 2012

Summer 2012

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Random Thoughts on an Ice Day

So, "Ice Day" is in the title of this post instead of "Snow Day" because what we are having today in Missouri--at least in this part of Missouri--is mainly ice, not snow.  As I type I can hear the sleet hitting the window outside.  Lindy has just ventured out to Wal-Mart because he's "bored."  Not unusual for him.  He doesn't have to be at cooped up at home for very long before he gets bored.  The rest of us Carnetts--and today that includes myself, Jac, Ethan, Gavin, Grammy, PaPa, Aunt Connee, Aunt Ronnin and Justus--are braving the storm where it's warm inside.  The extended Carnetts are here because Ronnin and Justus came to visit and we decided it would be more fun to wait out the storm together.  We also have a fireplace and a generator so if the power does go out then we might have the possibility of a modicum of comfort.  At present, however, Lindy won't let us build a fire because we are in wood conservation mode in case the power does go out and we actually need fire to stay warm.  I told him this morning that it looked like the power might go out and so maybe we should start a didn't work.  (See, I told you this was going to be random).

Moving on....  In case anyone reading this post read my last post and is wondering how my 21 Day Fast turned out, here you go.  The short end of the story is that I made it through 16 days, with minimal cheating, before I ended it.  Why did I end it after 16 days?  Well, the dizziness made an ugly appearance on Day 16 and, to be quite frank, it's no fun throwing up when there's nothing to throw up.  It's truly not a fun thing to do, ever, in my opinion.  I would be a dismal failure as a bulimic.  So, due to the dizziness, my history with low blood pressure and low blood sugar, and the premise that this whole inner ear issue is due to a sodium issue (which I believe less and less); I decided it was time to stop.  Lindy was in agreement that sometimes you just have to know when to stop and how much your body can take.  On a lighter note, I noticed that while I was fasting I spent a lot less time shopping.  You might not make the connection, but it was significant to me.  You see, I like to shop.  I really like to shop.  Even if I don't buy anything and I just look and think about ideas for decorating or what accessories would go with which outfits, I just like to shop.  What's funny to me is that while I was fasting I didn't go shopping.  So, I've already decided that for next year I'm going to give up the three S's that are hard for me to resist--Shopping, Sweets, and Soda.  I lost 7 pounds during the fast and I know a big part of that is not having sugar and soda--which is laden with sugar.  I especially noticed it around my waistline, which at my advancing age, seems to be my biggest problem area.  I'd like to blame it on pregnancy x 3 and C-section x 1, but if you saw my friend Deborah who's had pregnancy x 5--and the last one six months ago--you wouldn't let me blame my issue on birthing my boys.  It really is the sugar and soda--at least for me.

A natural segue from shopping would be to mention my mother at this point.  She also loooooooves to shop and I know she's feeling good when she's out hitting the sales.  She keeps me up to date on what's in style, and she always has.  My Mom appreciates a good buy as much as I do.  Late last week I had to be in Branson for a 2 day meeting so we got to do a little shopping together.  I also noticed once again another thing that we really have in common.  We both love to read and I think we both get a little anxious if we go somewhere and we think there might be an opportunity to read and we don't have reading material with us.  She's also a really fast reader and while I was in town she read Nicholas Sparks' latest book, "Safe Haven."  I had it in my car as it needed to go back to the library so she took it to read while I was in town.  It was a fabulous book and we both loved it.  Of course, when she finished the book, this resulted in a trip to the library for us to find more Nicholas Sparks books that she hadn't read yet and some Karen Kingsbury books.  We talked about how if she's still alive and kickin' when I'm retired we would make a pretty good pair.  We would spend most of our time reading, taking naps, shopping, and going to lunch.  Sounds like a good life to me.

Continuing on with this random post, another thing we have in common is our long, strong fingernails.  We both got this from her mother.  Unfortunately, I also got my mother's thick ankles which she got from her father.  Why couldn't I have gotten my Dad's ankles or Mau Mau's ankles?  Seriously!!  But I digress....  Anyway, our nails grow so long and so fast that we sometimes can't keep up with them and just have to chop them all off and start over.  I know I know, those of you out there who have paper thin nails are saying, "What are you complaining about, girl??"  I get that.  My next task after finishing this post is to chop off my nails and give myself a manicure.  My other enviable feature is my naturally full lips.  All three of my boys got my lips and we call them "kissy lips."  These lips did not come from my mother.  In fact, back when people didn't pay good money to have lips like mine she used to try to get me to line inside my lips with lipliner so they wouldn't be so big.  Now, I proudly wear these lips.

Speaking of why Lindy married me...was I speaking of that?  I guess I wasn't, but let me tell you, the lips didn't hurt my chances with him.  :)  Anyway, the phrase "this is why I married your Mom" came up yesterday.  Lindy was flipping through channels yesterday afternoon as we were waiting for the ice to hit and a particular TV show from years ago was on.  Lindy said to Jac, "Jac, you see this TV show?  This is why I married your Mom."  What show was it, you ask?  Why it was "I Dream of Jeannie," of course.  Back in the day; many, many people--mainly boys--told me that I looked like Jeannie.  This was back in high school/college--the same timeframe in which Lindy and I met.  There was even one guy at ORU that could never remember my real name so he just called me "Jeannie."  Funny.  Jac's ideal woman is Carrie Underwood.  That's quite a lot to live up to, far away future love interests of Jac, but if you aim high, Jac, you might get close.  :)

The last random thing on my mind for today has to do with another old TV show from our childhood.  It was also on yesterday and Lindy was making fun of it.  He said, "I think this is the one where something tragic happens and all the people in the town pull together to overcome." To which I responded, "I love that one!!"  Of course, he was talking about every episode of "Little House on the Prairie."  Last night we were talking about how the word "blizzard" has been tossed around to describe our latest weather pattern.  I told him my point of reference for a blizzard is from that episode of LHOTP.  He thinks I'm crazy and so, of course, he had to give me the official definition of a blizzard.  Not long ago I was thinking about random, silly things that bring comfort to me through my senses.  Hearing the theme song to LHOTP brings me comfort as does watching the show.  "Brady Bunch" does the same thing for me.  The smell of plastic dolls comforts me and reminds me of my childhood, as does chocolate chips cookies baking.

Well, that's it, my friends.  Enough typing for today and time to go chop these nails so I can type even faster.  If you're wondering what's coming next on my blog, I'm going to do a post on "Valentine's Day--Past and Present."  Fair warning to any old boyfriends who happen to be readers, I will not be changing names to protect the innocent.  Check back in a few days.

Everyone stay safe and warm and don't venture out of the house due to boredom like you-know-who.

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