Summer 2012

Summer 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I'm Not High Maintenance...Just Low Tolerance

The title of this blog post isn't original to me.  I actually stole it from Anita Renfroe.  If you've never heard of Anita Renfroe then you'll just have to "google" her to learn more about her.  She's hilarious.  Anyway, once again, for I guess the 6th?? year in a row Lindy let me preach on a Sunday morning.  That's right, the not your average pastor's wife was actually allowed to speak to everyone again on Mother's Day.  The title of my message was the title of this blog post and you'll have to listen to it or watch it to get it.

I've had several people ask me where to access the audio or video of my Mother's Day message so rather than continuing to send out texts or individual emails I thought I would just post the info on here and then link it to Facebook.

If you want to watch it--that's right, Restoration Church entered the 21st century quite a while ago--you can go to our ustream site.  You can find it at our ustream channel

If you would prefer to listen to it then you can simply go to and click on the Podcast link at the right.  Select the sermon you want and listen away.  (Jac and I listened to it on my iPhone on our recent road trip.  I used a lot of "Jac" illustrations so he was excited to hear it since he was working in Kids' Church that morning).

Lastly, if you were actually present at church that morning and heard my opening about the various "Lindys" then I must apologize for missing one of the best ones--"Game Lindy."  Our worship pastor, Russell, brought it to my attention immediately.  Game Lindy is very competitive and I learned early on--even before we got married--that I had better get thicker skin or always play on his team.  Jose came up with a new Lindy known as Indy Lindy.  Indy Lindy gets where he's going quickly and is a nicer version of Traffic Lindy.

That's all I'll share for now.  If you want the rest of the story then watch or listen.

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