Summer 2012

Summer 2012

Monday, May 30, 2011

Nothing Else Seems to Matter at the Moment

This week I have thought about different topics I could blog about but, truly, the only thing that has been on my mind is the devastation and suffering being experienced by my fellow Show-Me-State citizens in Joplin, MO.  Since I don't feel equipped to write about it since I didn't experience it or see the effects first-hand, I am going to ask my husband to be a guest writer on my blog for the next post.  He, our student ministries pastor, his brother-in-law, and some other men from our area spent Wednesday through Saturday there helping out with the amazing efforts of Convoy of Hope.  Lindy can give a much better description of and tribute to the people of Joplin than me.  I'll ask him to work on a blog post right away.  I have a little pull with him, after all.

On this Memorial Day, as we remember all of the service members in our armed forces who gave their lives for our freedom; I hope you stop and appreciate the freedom for which they fought.  Freedom of speech, freedom to worship, freedom to come and go as we please, freedom to bear arms (in some states), freedom from search and seizure...the list goes on and on.  I haven't even scratched the surface.  The freedoms we enjoy today would not be possible without those who fought for them.  If you're a veteran reading this post, I say "thank you."  Words cannot describe all that your sacrifice, and the sacrifices of your fellow service members, have meant to our country.  We love and appreciate you.

I'm leaving you with a You Tube video that Lindy and Nathan made while they were in Joplin.  It's just a sneak peek into what I'm sure will be a touching blog post by my better half.  The sound isn't very good due to the windiness at that time, but you can see and feel what they are experiencing all around them.  I hope you and your family and friends have a wonderful Memorial Day and amidst the BBQs and swim parties you stop to remember the purpose of celebrating this holiday.


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